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A Citizen Candidate

“The American Dream is under attack. Our Country needs a new approach, new solutions, and new leaders who can heal what has divided us and put integrity, common interests, and PEOPLE FIRST; and pass the laws we desperately need.” – Harold Rocketto


My name is Harold Rocketto and I am running to unite a divided Congress. Republicans and Democrats remain so divided they fail to pass the laws we ALL need. As your Representative, I will work to heal this divide and begin solving the problems of our Country.

Before 2017, I never thought about running for office. What changed? I retired and was beginning to plan a new career path. At the same time, Harvey and its aftermath hit, then came the Parkland school shooting, and after that the Santa Fe school shooting. These tragedies were life changing events to me. I waited for strong legislation that would help stop the school killings and insure the safety of our citizens but it never came. Our Representatives continue to put their Party agenda over the needs of our Community and our Country.

My desire to fix this broken system has evolved over the years. I am committed to protect our rights and our wellbeing. I will both fight and reach across the aisle for what matters most important to our Community and our Country.

I commit to being your champion in starting to heal this partisan divide, so we can get on with solving the problems of our Communities and our Country!

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In a vibrant democracy searching for common ground and compromise is our greatest strength and not a weakness, and the glue that holds us together. Donate to my campaign to make this vision a reality.

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